This recipe will show you how to cook salmon by preparing easy baked salmon with spices or seasoning of your choice. You will impress your friends by serving up this tasty salmon recipe, perfectly cooked, light and flaky, tender and moist. You can cook it on the grill or in the oven, and both methods work great with the same recipe. Here’s a picture of the same recipe cooked on the grill at our cabin.

You might not have thought a farm girl could show you how to cook salmon! However, my dad was a fisherman and so is my hubby. I grew up partially on the west coast, until about age 9 when we moved back to the Prairies to farm the family farm. When I was very young we lived on Vancouver Island and my dad enjoyed fishing for salmon. He even won an Tyee Derby way back in the day. It must be in my blood!
It’s funny how we have ended up back on Vancouver Island, which even though I miss the farm, I will likely call Vancouver Island home for the rest of my life.
I am not a fisherman, but fortunately hubby loves fishing and knows how to cook salmon. Here is his tried and true recipe for a quick salmon entrée for Baked Salmon with Mayo.
Caution: Please check ingredients for any sensitivities and allergies before trying this recipe.
3-4 oz Wild Salmon fillet per person
1 – 1 1/5 tsp of Mayonnaise per fillet (approximation)
1/2 tsp or sprinkle of Tex Mex seasoning (or your favorite blend of seasoning)
Seasoning Blend and Options:
If you don’t have a commercial blend such as Tex Mex seasoning, you can create your own. E.g. Use a blend of 1/2 tsp chili powder, 1/4 tsp garlic powder, 1/8 part cayenne pepper or chili flakes, dash salt and pepper.
You can also experiment and make your own blend, or use a Greek or Italian seasoning, depending what else you serving with your meal.
If you don’t want to use mayonnaise, then use a little olive oil and spread it over top before adding the seasoning.
Another variation would be to use 1 T mayonnaise, 1 tsp lemon juice and 1/2 tsp chopped dill.

First step, get yourself a fresh fillet of wild salmon, or if needed a frozen piece. If frozen try to leave the salmon out for a couple hours to thaw in its packaging. We usually serve one small fillet per person, or with fresh salmon, 3-5 oz. of salmon per person.

Using a baking dish as your base, place a piece of tinfoil across the bottom. The tinfoil should be a couple inches longer on each end and 2 and half times as wide, so you have room to wrap the fillet(s).
Once thawed, place the fillet(s) on a piece of tinfoil If you have multiple fillets or a large piece, just get a longer and larger piece of foil.

I much prefer wild salmon both for the taste, but also for the healthy nutrients it provides without all the antibiotics or other supplements that farm salmon might contain.
Spread a tsp or so of Mayonnaise on top of the fillet. This is an approximation. Unless you are counting calories, it really doesn’t matter that much.

Sprinkle the Tex Mex seasoning over the mayonaise evenly. It doesn’t have to be exact.

Fold the 2 sides of the foil up and over the fillet(s) and join them together then fold over to crease and seal the fillets inside. Then do the same with the ends, to wrap the fillets in completely and sealed with no air leaks.

This will allow the salmon to bake in its own steam without drying out.
Bake in the Oven or on the Grill
Bake the salmon in a preheated oven at 375 degrees or on the barbq grill (lid closed, medium heat) for 25 minutes. If using the grill, make sure the lid is closed for the full 25 minutes so that the heat is constant.
You can check the salmon at 25 minutes by opening up the foil slightly. If you see the juices in the foil are clear, and the top of the salmon looks like it is white with lines from the salmon juices, then take a fork and check if the salmon separates easily and looks flaky inside. If it does, it is ready. Note: the salmon is almost always ready after 25 minutes, if the tinfoil package was sealed properly around the salmon.

If it isn’t cooked, which is unlikely, then seal it up again and put it back in the oven for another 5-7 minutes.
If you like this easy Baked Salmon with Spices recipe, you might want to serve it with Creamy Caesar Salad and Keto Garlic Bread / Focaccia.

Here is a photo from last summer at our cabin. It’s so easy to make baked salmon on the grill, by making the baked salmon in foil. Here is what it looked like, of course served with a nice Rosé wine! This meal is totally keto! More cabin pictures here: Our Cabin in the Woods.

Hope you liked this recipe for Easy Baked Salmon with Spices!
🙂 Bonnie