There is something magical about Christmas and every year it seems to consume the whole month of December! That’s perfectly okay with me! I love all the excitement leading up to the big day, all the preparations, and the decorating and for some people this excitement starts much earlier 🙂 Christmas is almost here!
I have added a new page to my Country Living section: It’s a Country Christmas! Come and see the country traditions of the past and how our family has continued to cherish them in our celebrations of our Lord Jesus’ birth!

I also have added my links to cooking the perfect Turkey dinner for Christmas, and some lovely Finnish ginger cookies in the Recipes section of my blog. See Recipes off main menu.
You will even find a few Christmas coloring/art pages in my free downloadable artwork link off the Country Store main menu.
If you are looking for Christmas Gift Ideas, don’t forget to check out my Country Store page with Gift Ideas from Amazon:
Christmas Gift Ideas – Made in North America

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you check out these links and enjoy these posts since Christmas is almost here!
🙂 Bonnie