Hello! Sorry it’s been awhile, I have been so busy the last few months, focussing alot on my thrifting and collecting, such as more collecting vintage red enamelware! As well I have had a couple of health related things to deal with and surgery, but all is good! And of course God is good!

I recently posted to youtube my latest display of Vintage Red Enamelware with not one but two full farmhouse hutches with lots of red vintage decor, vintage red potholders, doilies, vintage red kitchen decor and of course lots of red and white enamelware.
Here are a couple pictures from the display. In this first hutch, I added some of the larger pots on top, and then a few red kitchenware pieces with a red enamelware flour sifter, red and white enamelware dipper, a vintage matchstick holder in red and white enamelware, some cute vintage spice containers, red arcoroc goblets, red handled rolling pins, and more!

In this second hutch, I have those lovely red buffalo check thermos’ on top, (seen in first picture at the top of the post), a needlepoint recipe box, another flour sifter, a red and white enamelware double boiler, red and white enamelware coffee pots and a red one too! There are lots more pots and red rolling pins and more.

For the full display you can see it on my youtube channel here:
It’s funny that my collection keeps growing and people tell me all the time that I should start selling some items, but I just can’t seem to part with them. Maybe in the future. I do feel partial to red and white enamelware since we had a bit of it on our farm, and I still have a couple of those pieces. It brings back alot of memories!
Some of my recent additions include the large cake container in the red and yellow flowered enamelware. This matches the cannister set I had found, which incidently is the same as one my grandmother had. I found the photo! This photo says alot about how our ancestors lived in the early 50’s. The red and yellow cannister in the same pattern I have is on top of the old wood stove. Amazing!

I also found a couple of those really highly desirable buffalo check thermoses. What a great find! One of my friends on youtube was searching for one and she has been so supportive of my channel, so when I found one, I sent it to her…She was very happy. It’s funny how you can make good friends online when you have a common interest.
I will try to catch up posting more of my recent collections. You can find me on Pinterest which my displays, collections and thrift hauls, as well as Youtube, and Instagram.
Hope you have a great day and my display of collecting vintage red enamelware makes you smile!
🙂 Bonnie