I love thrifting vintage doilies and ironstone! Those vintage doilies can be so hard to find and they are seeming to get picked over more and more. I like to look for the really old ones with lots of pretty colors and patterns. Of course, they need to be in good condition for my displays. In this thrift haul, I found some lovely vintage doilies and some antique ironstone for my next ironstone display. It usually takes a few thrift hauls to find what I am looking for, but the best part is when I have a success such as this one.

Here is the YouTube video for this Thifting Vintage Doilies and Ironstone, on my YouTube Channel. Don’t forget to subscribe to get notifications on all my new thrift hauls and vintage / antique displays!
This thrift haul includes:
– vintage blue and white doilies
– vintage needlepoint handkerchiefs
– vintage dainty handkerchiefs
– vintage pink and white doilies
– cobalt blue vintage jar with lid
– macrame plant holder
– yellow vintage Queen Anne teacup and saucer
– Royal Crownford Ironstone – Hanley Casserole Dish with lid – Wheat Pattern
– American Beauty teacups
– American Beauty Cream and Sugar
I hope you enjoyed seeing my vintage thrift haul finds and don’t forget to view my other thrift haul videos and posts, such as this one: Another Vintage and Antique Thrift Haul!
Thank you!
🙂 Bonnie