Well, I was at it again. I wish I could show you pictures of my ‘home office’ but it is overloaded with all my collectibles and thrifting treasures. So, I definitely needed another hutch to store and display more items! Yes, that’s it, that’s my story and I am sticking to it! Hence, my new Vintage Maple Hutch.

This hutch is a 1950’s Maple Hutch. I think it’s called Rock Maple which was not the most high quality but still a much loved Maple Hutch Cabinet in many family homes. I love how this Maple Hutch has the 3 open shelves, 3 drawers and lots of storage underneath. It’s almost a Welsh Dresser! But hubby says not, not quite.
I found this locally on our online marketplace and upon first glance I ignored it because the picture was so grainy, and it looked dull. However, the price! A few days later I looked again and then decided to try to look up what kind of hutch it was. It turns out to be a solid maple buffet / hutch from the 1950 to 1970’s. It could be what they call Rock Maple, but not sure. It’s not super expensive or high end, but would probably sell in an antique / used furniture store for 250 – 350. It is solid wood and very well maintained and yes, I got it for a steal, $50 Canadian!
In the future, I might decide to paint it white, but for now I am going to enjoy this color scheme. It really cleaned up well, see the before and after photos below, just using some soap and water and scrubbing off some dark spots /areas. Fortunately, it only has a couple of knicks on it.

This size and color will perfectly meet my needs. Sometimes the pictures that sellers post don’t do the item justice. The color of the hutch is shown better by my camera on the right. I am glad I went to see it!
I wanted another hutch to display my vintage and white ironstone in, as my other 2 hutches are full, one with Blue Willow and the other with Red Enamelware. It’s alot of work to keep switching out a full hutch and then storing everything in between. This way I can keep an ironstone display going at the same time and store season items underneath. Yes! this will get some boxes off the floor and make my office a bit more inhabitable.
So here it is. This is my first display with my new Maple Hutch and I am still tweaking it, but I thought I would put together whites with browns and oranges for fall, sans pumpkins for now.
I love doilies, so I had to round up some unused ones and here it is with the doilies alone. I love this!

Filling the Vintage Maple Hutch!
Then I started consolidating my white porcelain and ironstone pieces in this vintage maple hutch, along with some farmhouse items in brown. I added some porcelain in brown and white and a couple plates that have some fall colors. Here are a few pictures of the result. Hope you like it.
The top of the hutch had ample room for my very large F. Winkle Surrey Platter in transferware.

That platter and the white pitcher beside are two of my treasures that I have been enjoying for a while. But I didn’t have anywhere to display the platter.
German Hutschenreuther Fruit Bowl
Below that I have added my German Hutschenreuther China Bowl, white ironstone from the farm of my grandma’s (plate, bowl and creamer), and then a collection of smaller porcelain pitchers.
Here is the mark for the Hutschenreuther China Bowl. It’s definitely a vintage pattern, and almost antique, dating between 1925 – 1935.

On the right side, I added some vintage picture frames, the white enamelware pitcher and of course in front is the vintage iron and some crockery. Below that, a vintage orange floral toffee tin (likely Daher), an ironstone casserole dish, French serving dish and hobnail milk glass candy dish. The large brown transferware teacup and saucer is from Johnson Bros, Devinshire patter.

Here is the full left side, with the bottom shelf holding a cake stand and then there is another vintage iron.

The right side and middle has another soup tureen, my mothers Royal Albert Teapot and soup tureen, and another cake platter. Behind is a turkey platter of my mother’s and another white platter, and round plate, both matching the gravy boat in front. As well, of course is the cow creamer by Pillivuyt!

I plan to keep tweaking my display over the next couple months and will add more pieces now that I have some wiggle room literally.
Vintage Maple Hutch Display – It’s ready!
Here is the full display 🙂

If you enjoyed this post on my new Vintage Maple Hutch, please leave me a comment below. Don’t forget to check out my other displays from the blog menu. Feel free to share on Pinterest.
November 24, 2022 updates:
I wanted to add a bit more fall and harvest / Thanksgiving themed touches, so here they are. But before I show you these, I have a bit of a story to tell. My mother passed 3 years ago and November is always a bit tough as it is the anniversary of her passing. As I have been consolidated my collections of over 40 years, I happened to be looking for something else when I came across a bowl that my other Grandmother (on my dad’s side) had given me.
However, when I saw it again, I immediately recognized the pattern as the same as that of my mother’s Turkey Plate! So that means it was either my mom’s mother’s pattern, or hers. I believe it must have been my mother’s mother’s original pattern!! So now I have both the bowl and the turkey platter in my maple hutch! They are now reunited after 40 years!

This pattern is by Meakin, and although it is a bit faded, it will be treasured for a long time. For those of you who love family history and momentos from the past, you will understand how these items have special meaning. This is especially so, after you get older and start losing the loved older family members in your family.
Amber Bowl – Lustreware
In the picture above, you can also see the amber bowl. This bowl was from my dad’s mother and was given to me when I was 17 before I left home as part of my hope chest.
Here are the rest of the photos as I have added more items to the display. Hope you enjoy these!

Can never have enough Roosters!
I have been adding to my bird theme and found another couple roosters, birds and some dried corn!

My two turkey salt and pepper shakers are perfect with the rest of the birdies!

Again, and here is the full monty!

YouTube video of this display
Here is the video for this display on YouTube:
As always, I hope you enjoyed this post on my new Vintage Maple Hutch. Please leave a comment if you like and I hope you have time to visit my latest post on Thanksgiving Dinner and Decor. Or come back when you can!
🙂 Bonnie