I am excited to show you my Welsh Dresser! I found this Welsh Dresser on our local marketplace. This is the best display cabinet for displaying my plate collection and other treasures. A Welsh Dresser usually includes 3 or 4 open plate racks in the top section, a sideboard style lower area with drawers. As well there is the large area at the bottom for displaying the large platters.
with May 23rd, 2021 updates below
with even more updates as of June 6th, 2021 and June 12, 2021

After our big move to our new to us ‘down-sized’ home, there were some changes to our furniture and layout of our living and dining rooms. In order to sell our previous home we had purged big time and stored away alot of items in our garage, while we were staging the home for sale. I did sell a large round china cabinet in the process, and after we moved in to our new home it seems like I have no room for anything!
At the same time, I started collecting blue willow and Ironstone china. Hope you saw some of my previous posts about that. Anyway, of course I need a new display cabinet!
It’s funny how simple things keep you busy during a pandemic. Basically for the same price as I sold the large round china cabinet, I was able to find this beautiful Welsh Dresser! My husband was born in Cardiff and is Welsh so he was especially keen too!
We picked it up yesterday from a lady on Vancouver Island. I will set it up with some displays in the near future.
When she heard I collected Blue Willow China, the seller also asked if I wanted these two ‘flow blue’ plates, Clarissa, by Johnson Bros. for free. Of course I said ‘yes!’
I have added them to my bookshelf display for now (see below). I didn’t know what ‘flow blue’ was, but now I do!

I am looking forward to creating my first display with my new cabinet…come check back later for updates. In the meantime, I hope you take a look at my other posts 🙂
May 23rd, 2021 – Latest Updates!
Well I am excited to show you my first display with the new cabinet. I had never done an all white display, so I thought I would try that to start. I wasn’t sure if I had enough white ironstone, enamelware, etc., but I think it worked out okay.
I like combining farm collectibles, with the white china and ironstone.

My first full display in my Welsh Dresser:

Some of the items you see are from by Blue and White displays (see Blog), and others I haven’t shown before as they were packed away for our recent move.

Let me know what you think in the comments below. In a couple weeks I will do a Blue and White display, with the extra Blue Willow items I wasn’t able to display before…gonna be a full display!
My Welsh Dresser – Updates as of June 6th, 2021
Hi again!
We spent a lovely 3 nights at our cabin and while we were there I heard back from a marketplace seller that had some french country items for sale. So we stopped by on our way back to town and I was able to find some new items for the display. Here are a few new pictures. See if you can spot the new items. I also added some of my farm red vintage items to the bottom shelves underneath the Welsh Dresser. Too much fun!

My Welsh Dresser – The Full Display!
My second full display, starting to feel more complete:

June 12, 2021
Well, I was at it again today, and saw an ad on the marketplace for the Vintage Farmhouse Decor shop…Of course I had to check it out when it was advertised that the prices were reasonable!

A few finds are added to this and my Collectibles page. Found a lovely milk glass candy dish. A white Portmeirion chicken dish, another wooden butter mold, and a white cake platter 🙂

And of course, here is the updated display. I am always on the hunt for more items from local thrift stores, the online marketplace and specialty items from antique stores or online. I will keep updating my displays as I find new items:

Here are more of my displays with Blue Willow in my Welsh dresser. I also have purchased a white farmhouse hutch and am loving the variety it offers. See below.
My Blue Willow, Flow Blue, Ironstone and Vintage Displays (also see blog posts):
I hope you enjoy viewing these and don’t forget to check out my other Blog displays and Collectibles. Here are a few:
My Latest Blue and White Display!

My displays with my new farmhouse hutch include:

Vintage Farmhouse Hutch Display

More vintage vignettes in Collectibles.
Don’t forget to leave me a comment about what you liked the most. Feel free to share if you like with your friends and fellow collectors. Thanks for visiting My Welsh Dresser!
🙂 Bonnie