My Country Links page is now live with the following links (or select from the top menu):
– Links to all the top Country Music Billboard Charts from around the world. Follow link for details.

– Get your Road Trip on with Country Music Venues Across Canada. We have found the best places to see country music across Canada (or to tour if you are an artist).

– Don’t forget to visit the Country Music Calendar to see who is performing live online free for you to watch online.

– Country Music Associations Listing
As I have been researching more about the latest country artists, I realize that I know very little about the associations that support them. So I went on a little quest to find each of the country music associations in the USA and Canada. I could not find one listing of them…so I created one… I know I don’t have all the USA associations but the original CMA, of course! The Canadian provincial associations are listed by province along with the CCMA.
I also added those that I found for Britain, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. I am happy to add others if you want to reach out on my contacts page.
– Farmer’s Markets Organizations/Directories

Having grown up on a farm, I know how important local farmer’s markets are to those families. Whether it’s finding fresh products for your family or selling your produce locally.
Again, I could not find a single place where farmer’s markets were listed. Googling these would be haphazard since the naming is so inconsistent. So voila, I created a province by province listing of the provincial/local associations and their directories. Some of these sites have useful maps for locating the farmer’s markets.
For the USA, the only central listing was one created by a National Agriculture Organization, from 2014, but it likely has links that are mostly still valid…These are state by state.
If you are visiting a province/state, I hope it encourages you to check out the local farmer’s markets and support local.
Again, reach out if you have any updates/more info. Hope you enjoy these country links listings!
🙂 Bonnie