It’s a Vintage Pink Tea Party around here, gearing up for Valentine’s Day! But any day of the year is fine if you are in the mood for pink 🙂 I was fortunate to have a few teacups and porcelain china passed down to me which I treasure. Of course I have been adding to my pink collection lately.

My hutch is full of pink from various patterns. And of course it doesn’t hurt that I had added a couple new teapots lately.

I recently rented out some teapots of mine for a charity event held by one of our local music foundations. It was a success and they were very happy with my vintage teapots that added to their high tea! The picture above and below are what I rented out for the event.

If you love pink teacups and teapots, please leave me a comment about your favorite patterns, or which one of mine you like the best.
Whatever your color pattern or style, a tea party is a great way to enjoy a sip of herbal or earl grey with your friends or daughter(s).

Of course I have been enjoying creating some vignettes with pink vintage for awhile now, like the one above. You can see these on my collectibles page.
A vintage pink tea party wouldn’t be the same without some fresh scones on beautiful pink laced plates. These are my very yummy keto cheese good! Recipe off the Recipe menu above or here.

I love, love, love this pattern called American Beauty by Royal Albert. I recently found a couple of these plates, shown further down in my display.
Valentine’s Day Ideas
And then with Valentine’s almost here, you might enjoy my Valentine’s display: Vintage Valentine’s Day! I have a few ideas for a special Valentine’s day!

My latest display – Pink Tea Party
Here are a few views of my hutch and my table display. I am really hoping to enjoy a tea party lunch soon at a local favorite for high tea, the Empress Hotel in Victoria, BC.
This gold teapot set is Royal Winton, made in England. The gold flowered teacups and saucers are marked Fifth Avenue Collection handmade 137. In front is a Radner Flower Posie, in Bone China made in England.

A couple of the teacups below are from my mother’s collection, Summertime and Royal Winton Lady Jane. Behind them is a Platter and small plates by Woods Ivory Ware.

Below shows another view, this one with my own wedding pattern, Autumn Roses by Royal Albert.
The posie is marked Royal Stratford, in Fine Bone China, Handcrafted Staffordshire.

On the left side is the American Beauty and a Sadler teapot, bell and creamer. Another thifting day and I found the bell and sugar bowl. Not til I got home did I realize they matched the teapot! This happens so often. (In my vintage white display I found the matching sugar bowl for my Johnson Bros Heritage pattern, to match the creamer and tureen 🙂 Now I have to find the sugar bowl for this Sadler Windsor fine Porcelain pattern. Behind the Sadler pieces is a Platter and smaller side plates by Ridgeway in Anniversary Rose pattern.

In the middle of the display is an old roses plate at the back that was my aunt’s and is Anniversary Rose by Royal Swan. The teacups were my mother’s, Pink Leighton and Royal Albert Prudence patterns. These creamers are so vintage looking and sweet.

On the top left I had to include a few more of my Autumn Roses pieces, along with a couple of very pale pink items. The color of the teacup and saucer is a perfect match for the pink hue of the vase marked Japan and Royal Standard teacup set. The creamer beside is marked Shafford hand painted Japan.
Below, the teacup and sauce on the middle shelf is Royal Albert Old English Rose (Large Rose) with matching creamer. The posie beside is Aynsley hand-modeled hand painted August Carnation.

On the top right is an old pitcher and basin. These aren’t vintage, but were hand made in the 90’s, and I bought them over 25 years ago now. You can see I love the potholders and the pink vintage potholders are amazing. A couple of them are from family and the rest are thrifted. They are becoming harder to find like everything else.
The 2nd shelf has another posie by Adderley Floral in Bone China, marked also with MWN2. At the back is another platter marked Bernadotte Czechoslovakia Sonata along with a matching side plate.

Putting it all together
What a variety of shades of pink, beautifully hand-painted, rimmed with gold and with such delicate features! I was having a little trouble trying to figure out which ones to display side by side. It always makes sense to make sure the pink hues and tones match, as well as the accent colors in the various patterns display well together . I think it worked! And of course the pink doilies in various shades and the potholders add to the symmetry and vintage style.
Pink Tea Party Display – in Full
Here is the full display from a couple of angles. It is so sweet and I am enjoying the view as I sip my tea!

I recently posted the YouTube video for this display on my channel. It might give you another view of the display:
As always, I hope you enjoy my Vintage Pink Tea Party Display and please leave me a comment about your favorite pieces. Don’t forget to visit my post on: Vintage Valentine’s Day! I have a few ideas for a special Valentine’s day! Til next time!
🙂 Bonnie