Another Easter is almost here and things have evolved in my displays! Last year if you saw my Easter display I still did not have my Welsh Dresser or my Farmhouse Hutch. Fortunately now I have both and I can bring you my new Easter Farmhouse Hutch Display 🙂

If you want to see last year’s display, then go to: Happy Easter Bunny!
Here’s a preamble of what that looked like:

I was able to combine the easter theme with some of my blue and white display.
This year things are looking a whole lot more Easter-y, if that is a thing. I have been able to spend a bit more time thrifting since last year, since more of our renovations are complete. We still have a few things to finish but the major stuff is done, freeing me up to do more thrifting and picking! Yay!
My latest finds:
I have been keeping my eye out and found this lovely Peter Rabbit style bunny at a local thrift store about a month ago. My goodness, why would anyone give this up?

I decided to create a color page / artwork for this bunny on my downloadable artwork page. Check it out! There are a few Easter themed pages there.
Free Country Artwork Downloadables

A couple more items I found thrifting were these gorgeous porcelain birds. Omg, so cute:

And then this cute little bunny by a wishing well!

The next thing I was able to find was a lovely bird’s nest. This happened to be in an Easter display at a local grocery store. Perfect!
And yes, my husband helped me find these two little birdies at a local gift shop. He is very partial to birds, and likes to make bird calls and track his bird watching in a diary. So cool!

The final new porcelain items I found while thrifting were a pair of chickadee salt and pepper shakers and this Easter Snow Globe!! Who knew they even made these!

Here’s the snow globe in the bottom part of my display. Along with the Peter Rabbit bookset that I bought in 1996 or so for our kids. Those little books were so precious I didn’t have the heart to use them…what kind of a mother am I? Oh well, now I see after saving them all this time they have another purpose!

Back to thrifting. I have about 10 thrift stores I can swing past 2 or 3 depending which direction I am travelling out on a given day. Makes for some great finds and diversity.
Part of my miniature book collection included these three little Winnie the Pooh books from 1968. I bought these many years ago, and I can’t even remember what Vancouver thrift store I found them at. Over 20 years ago. Sweet!

Easter Display in my Farmhouse Hutch
Well you can see now where this is going. I really love the soft yellows, whites and light greens together, with cream. Sounds like a desert!
Here are some snippets of the final display and then the full display at the end.

Here’s the display with a few items from last year added:

The full Easter display!

I hope you enjoyed viewing these as much as I enjoyed finding, arranging and displaying them! May you have a wondrous Easter with family and let us remember the real message from Easter, the sacrifice of our Lord and Saviour!
Side note, you may want to view last year’s Easter display where our little precious Pomeranian Peaches made an appearance. Tragically we just lost her about 3 weeks ago, and we are still getting over that. But we plan to get a new Pomeranian puppy soon! Stay tuned!
If you want to see last year’s display, then go to: Happy Easter Bunny!
My other farmhouse hutch displays include:
Antique and Vintage White Ironstone!
Thanks for visiting my latest Easter Farmhouse Hutch Display!
🙂 Bonnie