As some of you may know from previous posts, we have moved and we are still in the middle of unpacking and settling in. However, I really wanted to provide an update for my blue and white display, aka Blue Willow Display, post Easter. I also decided to take over two wooden bookshelves, since I still haven’t gotten that hutch that I want. We will keep looking for that. This post is the first in my history of collecting blue willow china.
Original post – March 5, 2021 with updates on March 27, 2021
Latest updates – May 7, 2021 and 2022 with links to latest Blue Willow posts in my new Welsh Dresser (very bottom)!
Since my March 27th update, I did purchase a couple more items, including a large ironstone pitcher and basin, seen here. I am so happy my blue and white display is growing!

I also came across a milk glass vase also shown in the picture above. Found it at one of my regular thrift store stops. I unfortunately didn’t keep the one my mom had, and then I regretted it, so found one similar to that.
I regularly check our local Facebook marketplace, and found this small Bavarian creamer made in Germany by Weimar (front top shelf), as well as another smaller one (unmarked) at a thrift store, middle shelf in the 2nd picture below.

One other recent find was the white gravy boat, top shelf at the left, which has the scalloping…another find on the marketplace.
The top of the bookshelf has an original painting that I purchased online, again a real bargain, by a fairly well known artist.

Here is the full picture, I hope you like it! Please leave me comments at the end of this post.
Thanks, for stopping in!

Original post (March 5, 2021):
Well this is actually my second posting of a Blue and White Display. I think I have become officially addicted. I really love the Blue Willow china. It’s a bit hard to final locally, as we live on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, so the chances that someone wants to sell theirs is limited.
Yesterday, I did a tour of one thrift store, and two antique/collectible shops and I was able to find an enamelware pitcher (a bit rusted on the handle, but cheap), and two smaller white pitchers, a white gravy boat and a blue willow plate.
On the local online marketplace, I also found a lovely set of 4 Woods Ware Blue Willow Gravy Boat and Plate, Creamer and Sugar Bowl. The seller also had a Blue Willow egg cup, and decided to sell that, so I went back today to pick that up. She had a teapot as well, but wasn’t selling that…oh well. Hoping to find one soon.

I just love the shape of the gravy boat!

Today, I found a soup tureen, a little vintage, but not marked. Looked like it had been around for awhile. I thought it would work well in my display.

Then I kept watching and I had my eye on this Spode Transferware large serving platter. It had been listed for several days, but the seller was a bit further out so maybe that’s why it hadn’t sold. He had reduced the price, so I went out there and looked at it… Perfect!

I had also wanted to find a large pitcher. They don’t come up very often on our local online markets. The pitcher below is a pottery barn pitcher and came up last night. I love the shape and its super solid, reminds me of a country farmhouse pitcher. So I arranged to pick that up today too!

It is super heavy and sturdy. Great for flower displays too. Phew! Well I was able to get home, a bit tired, after running around all day yesterday and today. Yes, my husband truly does think I am crazy! I don’t know, maybe it’s me being COVID cabin crazy, but it seems I get on these missions and I can’t stop until I finish something! Also, it gives me an opportunity to get out of the house and do some socially distanced shopping.
The Display
Tonight I put the display together in a book shelf we have in our living room. I know, I really need to get that Welsh dresser I have been wanting.
Now that our house is sold and we are moving to our ‘new to us’ home, I am definitely going to try to find that Welsh dresser. I will have to keep watching the marketplace and see what comes up. (My husband happens to be Welsh, born there, etc., so that is definitely something he can agree with).
Anyway, here are a few photos of my Blue and White display. I added some Easter bunnies, etc. for the final look, cuz hey, why not! Easter is almost here, right?

And the final look:

Hope you like this 🙂 Please follow me on Pinterest and check back often for more additions to my blue and white displays. Also, maybe I will finally get that hutch I have been wanting.
Updates as of March 27th, 2021:
I recently found a few additions to my blue and white collection. As I mentioned before it is quite difficult to find Blue Willow where we live. However, I did find a few pieces quite cheap on the local marketplace, plus one more bunny! This batch had the following items in the picture below. The teacups and coffee cups are a combination of Woods ware and Johnson Bros.
Plus, there were a few extras (8 new pieces in total) which I added to the display. See if you can pick out the extra items in the display 🙂

Here is the updated display:

And don’t forget to check out the rest of the article, at the very bottom, as our local furry Easter Bunny is making an appearance 🙂
It’s easy to start or add to your collection with Amazon:
For those who might be interested in starting or adding to your own Blue and White collection, here are a few of the items offered on Amazon (including bunnies!):
Some of these links may be affiliate links and I may earn a small commission off of the sale of these products, but the price you are charged is not affected.
Specialty Items in Blue and White
Blue and White China and Porcelain
Our local Easter Bunny has made an appearance!

Isn’t she adorable? I don’t think she cared for the heavy coat too much, lol.
Don’t forget to check out my other blog posts, recipes, country music calendar (live music calendar) and country store.
My latest Blue and White Display is now available as I finally found that Welsh Dresser I wanted. Check it out: My Latest Blue and White Display! and My Latest Blue and White Display!

You might also like my other posts: My Country Kitchen or My Country Guest Room.

Thanks for dropping in to see my blue and white display!
🙂 Bonnie